About Us
We are so happy that you found us, and we are excited to serve you.
Our Mission
We create atmosphere with wood and add value to our client's property with integrity and professionalism. We serve with solutions and have abundance of happy clients. We love what we do, and we do what we love

We established this business in 2008 as Husband and Wife Team, and business Partners by the Grace of God. I have always loved to work with wood. My hobby of working with wood then turned out to be our main focus of business.
I hear so many of the loving heart warming stories of my clients where they refer to their fathers or grandfathers, who were the best carpenters in the world, and I take my hat off to them as they are my inspiration for what I do today.
I am the CEO and Co-Founder of Van As Carpentry Solutions Pty Ltd. I handle the Sales and also Manage the business. Cornelia is the Director and Co-Founder of Van As Carpentry Solutions Pty Ltd, and works in the Admin, Management and Finances department.
Our son Marrion also joined in our business venture. He has great gifts and skills as a carpenter and also sees things through. Marrion handles all projects and leads the teams. We are very proud of him, and to have him on board. This make us a great Father and Son Team.
Our youngest daughter Samantha joined in the business to help part time as a personal assistant in the office and admin department, with a great relief on that department as she is good with organizing and sorting out.
We are so blessed to have this Carpentry Business and absolutely enjoy what we do.
Wooden Greetings,
Ronnie & Cornelia Van As
Meet The Van As Team
We adore each of our clients

Ronnie Van As

Cornelia Van As

Marrion Van As

Samantha Van As
Let's start adding value to your property
Speak to our friendly team about your wooden doors, windows, decking, maintenance and/or repairs needs.